Bridge Cranes
Bridge cranes consist of a bridge section that traverses over a pair of perpendicular sections called runways. Available in many sizes and configurations, bridge cranes lifting capability anywhere within their area of coverage. Lifting is provided through the use of a hoist that is suspended from the bridge and controlled by an operator via pendant or radio.
Limitless Capabilities Endless Possibilities
Bridge Crane Solutions for Virtually any Application
Top Running Bridge Cranes
Top running bridge cranes are the workhorse of industrial lifting and range in capacity from of 3 to 200 tons. Ideal in a wide range of applications, these systems provide a high degree of reliability with a low headroom dimension.
Underhung Bridge Cranes
Underhung cranes are a common choice for lifting ranging in capacity from 1 to 10 tons. As the name implies, underhung bridge cranes are suspended underneath their runways rather than on the top. These systems are typically motorized in all three axis and are a great solution for light to medium duty service.
Freestanding Bridge Cranes
While many bridge crane systems benefit from an existing runway structure, freestanding bridge cranes are a viable alternative when an existing support structure is unavailable. These systems have the versatility to fit a variety of floor layouts by adjusting the spans of the vertical columns that support the crane.
Enclosed Track Crane Systems
Enclosed track cranes commonly referred to as “workstation cranes” are crane solutions that fall into a 2 ton and under capacity designation. These systems incorporate an enclosed track design by which their rolling components run internally. Cranes of this type are often manually in the X and Y dimension and rely on a powered hoist for their lifting operation. The enclosed track design provides a simple yet effective lifting solution that is also cost effective. Other benefits of this design are centered around it’s low maintenance requirement as well as the ability to self-center a load during a lift.
Enclosed Track Crane Systems Configurations
Freestanding Workstations
Top running bridge cranes are the workhorse of industrial lifting and range in capacity from of 3 to 200 tons. Ideal in a wide range of applications, these systems provide a high degree of reliability with a low headroom dimension.
Ceiling Mounted Workstation Cranes
Underhung bridge cranes are a common choice for lifting ranging in capacity from 1 to 10 tons. As the name implies, underhung bridge cranes are suspended underneath their runways rather than on the top. These systems are typically motorized in all three axis and are a great solution for light to medium duty service.
Enclosed Track Monorails
While many bridge crane systems benefit from an existing runway structure, freestanding bridge cranes are a viable alternative when an existing support structure is unavailable. These systems have the versatility to fit a variety of floor layouts by adjusting the spans of the vertical columns that support the crane.